Success is heavily dependent on the ability to rapidly identify, analyze, adapt, and solve uncertainty coming from process, customer needs, and internal constraints. PMCG delivers a customized, concise, and lean PMO and project approach for your specific needs. We look at your requirements and constraints to build and improve methods that helps you with continuous and iterative improvements, resource utilization, successful completion of projects, cost reductions, client satisfaction, gaining competitive advantage, transparent perspective on what projects to run, design a beneficial projects road-map. PMCG provides you with resources, skills, toolsets, and processes that will ensure you are able to meet your Return on Investment on not just your individual projects, but for the complete Project Portfolio Management.

Project Management Solutions

Project and Program Management

Projectsoften don't turnout as planned. Project Stakeholders are usually wondering whatto fix; the delayed schedule, scope creeping, running over budget, missingfeatures from the original plan, poor risk management, and the list goes on. Ifyou are facing any issues with your project, or the way it is managed, PMCG isthe solution to all your project and program management needs.

Ourteam analyzes your projects and program, gives you our solution plan, and helpsimplement it. We excel in all facets of Project and Program Management, andthrough our strategic approach we will bring you the results you want from yourprojects and programs.

Project Rescue

Are you requiring help on a specific project, and prefer not to do an overhaul of your PMO, processes, or Portfolio Management? You wish someone could just comeand fix your project?

PMCG is familiar with this issue and has successfully taken projects to completion.We have helped projects that were over budget, behind schedule, facing risks on regular basis, had no metrics to collect and analyze, no reporting mechanism. 

If you are facing challenges in planning or execution of your project, let usknow, and we will lay out a plan for you to make it happen!

Project Portfolio Management

Runninga successful project is integral to all organizations, but even with achieving that mile stone, how does it contribute to the Project Portfolio Management?

Thisis where we come to help you with our exceptional practices to increase the output you require for your Portfolio. The in-depth data management,consistent, thorough yet lean oversight across multiple initiatives efforts isrequired to capitalize on project success to contribute to your Project Portfolio Management. Without experienced stake holders and leader, it is not possible to stop repetitive mistakes and unsuccessful delivery of projects.

Enterprise PMO Build

Most common reasons why PMCG is brought in to help an organization:

  • Projects are not aligned across the organization
  • Enterprise project road map does not exist
  • Cross-functionality between teams is not being managed well
  • Resources are under or over-utilized
  • No frame work for project process
  • In-take process isn't there, or not functioning correctly
  • Project methodologies are either missing or not properly used
  • Owner at various level is missing or inconsistent

Fractional PMO Build

We understand that it isn't feasible for every one to establish and run an Enterprise PMO. For businesses that do not want an EPMO, but still require a Project Management Office to help run projects, we implement a Fractional PMO for them.

Fractional PMO helps you with your immediate and urgent project needs, and project roadmap. We bring the best talent to help your projects, while the PMO is being set-up, PMCG will train, coach, and prepare your team to effectively run the PMO.

PMO Maturity

  • What do you do once you have established a PMO?
  • What is your goal now that you have afunctioning PMO?
  • What is the differentiator between your PMO and a fully matured PMO?

PMCG gives you the answer, solution, and result for these questions.We take your PMO to the maturity model where you need it. We strategically design a road map for your organization that is customized for your specific goals and needs.

We can do this as a stand-alone partnership, or through any of our services; Enterprise PMO, Fractional PMO, or bring you the resources that help you achieve the model you want for your organization.

Organizational Change Management

Need for change has become a significant requirement for pretty much all organizations across the globe. Whether it is the change in leadership,technology modernization, policies implementation, or change in direction to keep up or get ahead of competitors, Change Management is required for all these initiatives.

PMCG has the expertise to help you drive the required Change Management in your company and utilize it to bring the results you want from it.

From drawing the plan, to analyzing the metrics to measure how the change has impacted your company, PMCG does it all!

Business Solutions & Management

PMCG is the team to bring if you are looking for a management consulting partner that works for your specific needs, rather than an external partner that implements one solution for all. PMCG not only reviews, analysis, improves, and implements better processes and practices for your projects, portfolio, and PMO, it also caters is around your specific requirements. With this approach you can guarantee better results.

PMCG tactically align resources, processes, operations, and capabilities with your organizational goals and road map to provide you the ideal Business Solution.Our priority is to assist your business continuously becoming better through operational excellence and targeted  project delivery.

Operating PMO

For organizations that prefer out sourcing the Project Management Office, PMCG partners with them to establisha structure that help achieve their goals. We evaluate your current capabilities and processes and offer a partnership or solution that your teamcan implement using our proven expertise.

Project Management Coaches

OurCoaches work in-hand with your individual contributor’s andproject teams to improve their project efficiency to meet the desired goals foryour organization.

Wedo this by either approach; active participation in your project discussionsand/or offline discussions with your team members to answer, advice, guide, andtrain them to be successfully well-versed with project artifacts, processes,and methodologies.

Project Management Methodology Expertise

PMC Gensures that you pick the methodology that suits your:

  • Organizations needs
  • Project portfolio size
  • Current process maturity
  • Team’s project management expertise
  • Projects’ complexity
  • Capability to drive and sustainthe proposed solution

Additionally, we offer the option for you to utilize our Coaches to help with methodology implementations and trainings.We help teams through out the process to ensure they have reached the state where they can execute and with stand the implemented methodology and processes.

Vendor Management

Vendor management comes with its drawbacks as Vendors often deviate from the processes, guidelines, and project deliverables that you prioritize. While vendor management is an essential element in today’s business, it is often mis handled due to the lack of experience and time various project teams have.

PMCG has the proven experience to oversee, manage, work and deliver on your behalf with vendors to all deliverables are met. PMCG does this for both organizations, those who have a PMO and those who do not.PMCG helps you and your vendor pinpoint dependencies and challenges that must be proactively handled to deliver efficiently and on budget and time.

Highly Experienced Program & Project Managers

PMCG offers you the option to select from its team of skilled and experienced Project and Program Managers who have worked with teams of all maturities, projects of diverse domains, and leadership teams throughout several industries.

Someof the most common reasons and area to use our talent are:

  • High priority items that have no room for error – To avoid any risks, our team members are brought in to deliver the most critical deliverables
  • We can provide short-term resources as well – Helping your team to not worry about thehiring and on boarding process
  • We also provide executive level project leaders – Giving your organization the interim leadership, that can fill-in or carry-on per your organizational needs
  • We offer our tool-kit and analysis on project management applications so you do not need to research on those, instead you can focus on utilizing these tools for your projects’ productivity
  • All our resources are supervised by our leaders to ensure they are covering all areas per your needs, and are being preventive of any possible risks

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